This week I wanted to bring up an important topic that we all need to think long and hard about. Love for Monte Carlos. Yes, the Chevy Monte Carlos that were built from 1970-1988 were a beautiful bunch of machines, even the sadly forgotten 1973-77 models. They all had giant engines, huge fenders, heavy doors, and tons of luxury options. If you have never driven in one, I would compare it to sitting on a sofa that is strapped down to an erupting volcano. To celebrate the true wonder that the 1970-88 Monte Carlos are, I have gathered a youtube video of each generation doing an elegant burnout, as only a high class Monte Carlo could.
1970至1972年间,Monte Carlo与Chevelles分享了大量部件,但由于某些未知原因(对我来说)蒙特卡洛斯似乎不像雪佛兰和马里布那样腐烂可能是因为Monte Carlos如此宏大,生锈无法拆解它们?也许是因为异常化本身希望它们永存?不管它保护这些汽车免生生锈有多么神奇,它值得高五分高一分
1973-77年我总觉得不好蒙特卡洛斯.........................................陆地游艇sweet运程中,你拥有地球上所有汽车选择不可置信低价。你有按钮控制其他按钮并开关控制knobs。有座位移动像879方向,地毯厚6英寸,有足够的打火机同时点通40striges如你所猜到 体型最优二号选手
78-88蒙特卡洛斯美与美不相容 。 如果这些汽车有像样引擎并传播这些引擎,它们本可以成为有史以来最伟大的汽车(..比切维1978-88年)。这些汽车的下坡点是GM加载的气喘V6和V8引擎 。Chevy要求165马力,但我向你们保证它更像驴力 。是的,我会评分近似14马马马车很容易在比赛中通过这些汽车。内部略小于73-77体型,但与大多数相比仍居高位。总体看来,壮体弥补了缺电问题。你买一辆这些汽车以看酷而不快快。如果你换引擎实现最大盛大,你最终会得到优雅的三号烧!
转动刀心时 Bob Lutz消除了Monte返回RWDZETA平台的猜想